Since then, they fought in various places, but Sonic always won.

15 years have passed since the first battles with Eggman. A great place that is not limited to things like time. Subsequently, rumors began to appear that the development of the hack was completely canceled, but on August 21, 2014, one of the creators of the hack - Stealth wrote a message on the game’s official website saying that he regrets the leak of the early build of the game in 2011 and released a video on YouTube, stating that hack development is still ongoing. This version of the game was also mistakenly called by some as "final", which only misled people. Gradually, the number of videos containing build 5.0 and links to the leak grew. As a result, videos with the gameplay on YouTube began to appear on the network, which quickly rose in the search ranking and even began to be included in the list of “recommended videos”. However, later, an early build of hack version 5.0 was merged by someone for free access. Version 4.0 was canceled in favor of developing version 5.0 with even more impressive innovations such as completely new special stages or completely new graphics for Starry Night Zone.

Nevertheless, this beta version of the game was very playable and quite passable for all characters. However, due to the cancellation of the project, version 4.0 was unfinished and, as such, contains some bugs and graphical glitches, from minor to major, which under certain circumstances may interfere with the gameplay. In the new version of the game, Tails and Knuckles were added as playable characters, and the graphics of some zones were also changed. Then it was decided to transfer the hack to the SEGA-CD platform in 2008.