Cyclops has one, and it's Leader of the X-Men, and that's it, because that's all he's ever done or cared about. A tightly-focused hero might only have one. An omni-competent superhero like Batman would probably have three, or maybe even more (I'd give him three: World's Greatest Detective, Weird Figure of the Dark, and Millionaire Playboy). The archetypal superhero would probably have two Backgrounds: one for what they do as a superhero, and one for what they do in their secret identity. Mutants and Masterminds! This is probably the right place to put a house rule I thought about but never tested out, coming from my dissatisfaction with the way attributes and skills are priced in M&M: replacing skills with Backgrounds from the d20 fantasy game 13th Age.Ī Background is something that represents a chapter in your life, a role you play, or both.